Carcass Grading & Traceability systems for pigs

Frontmatec offers a wide range of online objective carcass grading systems for modern slaughterhouses. We offer automatic systems that grade the quantity and/or quality of pig carcasses.

Grading provides:

  • Accurate control of the lean content of each carcass
  • Sorting and better utilization of carcasses
  • Fair and objective compensation to the farmers according to the commercial value of the carcass

Frontmatec also offers automatic identification systems for carcasses. Individual carcass identification provides the basis for data collection and ensures reliable carcass traceability. Our identification solutions can be integrated with a grading system, e.g. the AutoFom™, thereby obtaining numerous benefits.

Selecting the right solution is based on your requirements and preferences.

Products for Carcass Grading & Traceability


AutoFom III™

Fully automatic ultrasonic pig carcass grading system for accurate yield control and sorting of primal cuts.


AutoMarker M1™

Fully automatic marking and identification system for pig carcasses ensuring reliable carcass traceability.

Pork solutions


The Frontmatec gambrel table takes the strain out of gambrelling due to its ergonomic design, ensuring optimum work space and mobility.
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Frontmatec develops automation solutions for industries such as the red meat industry, manufacturing and the utility industry.

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